Equality is a myth. Life is unfair. That is just the simple truth. The sooner we as a society can grasp that the sooner we can move forward. There are those amongst us who, it seems, dedicate their entire existence to making everything in life equal for everyone. While the idea is great, the practicality, like in communism, is flawed. Strangely enough, for the very same reason... Life is not fair. The better approach would be to see that people aren’t intentionally tread upon while others aren’t handed everything on a silver platter. To repair all that is wrong in our country we need to accept that not everyone will get their way. Some people will have a rougher road of it. It is a reality that some people will win the lottery, some will not, and we need to quit crying 'unfair about it, grow a spine, bear down and man up about it. We used to be the nation that took crap from nobody. We have become the nation that puts up with everything. In our efforts to become 'tolerant' we have tolerated too much. It is time that we get back to being intolerant. Why should we tolerate our country crumbling as we sit idly by and scream "STOP!" when we should, instead, do something about it.
An example. Racial profiling is a funny thing. Not funny ha ha. More, funny a la an overused talking point that has numbed us to reality. The BAU, criminal profiling department of the FBI, uses race as part of a profile to determine the best plausible lead in solving a crime, thank you ‘Criminal Minds’… hello JJ. An example to go atop my example. If there is a bucket of balls and you pick them up and inspect them individually. In doing so, you come to the realization that some of the balls shock you when you grab them. The Orange balls shock you 50% of the time. The green 12%, the purple 7%, the red 6%, the blue 2% and the yellow 1%. Eventually wont you stop touching the orange ones because you realize that while all of the balls will shock you, the orange ones tend to do so more. Now before you get all up in arms and start with the accusations as to what I may be implying by the different colors and the term “Shocking” take a breath and realize that this is just an exercise to demonstrate tendencies. Profiles are built on tendencies. Example #3. White people tend to enjoy the confederate flag more than other races. Now, while you may laugh at this and call it ridiculous, let me tell you that I once knew a girl who had it tattooed on her hip… She was obviously from the south. But she was half white half Asian. An extreme example? Yes. Gets the point across well though doesn’t it?
This goes for all people of all races too. I have been denied things because I am Caucasian. Scholarship I applied for. Job I applied for. Both went to people of color to meet a quota, one of two I for sure was more qualified. Unfair yes. Was I pissed off, yes. Did I man up and accept it and move on instead of screaming “INEQUALITY!”, you bet your ascot.

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