Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

So it amazes me that some people don't know the basic rules of the road. More specifically I am speaking of people who are completely oblivious that the left lane is the fast lane and drivers who insist upon doing other things than paying 100% attention to the road (cell phones and farding). Why do we permit the bare minimum when it comes to approving drivers licenses? In Germany, for example, a drivers license is a seriously difficult thing to acquire. By the time you receive your license the Germans make sure you are a well educated driver, completely aware of the rules of the road. Accidents are less frequent, fatalities are astronomically lower and the police have plenty of time to fight crime because they aren't tied up with traffic issues. I am a huge supporter of the kiss rule, keep it simple stupid. When you are driving... Drive. Your rear view mirror isn't a bathroom vanity and the highway is not a phone booth (do phone booths even exist anymore?).

For those of you that do not own a dictionary, there is I will save you the trip.

To apply cosmetics

1 comment:

  1. we're AMERICA damnit! we don't want to be like europe! oh... wait. we DO want to be like europe when there's things in america that we disagree with. but damnit no health care for our citizens! we don't want to be like europe!

    and the far left lane is the PASSING lane. it's intended for passing, not going FASTER. you still have to obey posted speed limits. i've seen you drive... you're a manaic. i don't think you know what a turn signal is... you preaching on proper driving etiquette is RICH. love it.
